Tuesday, JULY 9, 2024 - Organizational/Regular meeting (6:30 p.m.)

Tuesday, AUGUST 13, 2024

Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 10, 2024

Tuesday, OCTOBER 8, 2024

Tuesday, NOVEMBER 12, 2024

**Tuesday, DECEMBER 17, 2024 - Joint Work session w/GUFSD
(6:00 p.m. Greenport Auditorium)

Tuesday, JANUARY 14, 2025

Tuesday, FEBRUARY 11, 2025 - 1st Budget work session/Regular meeting 

***Tuesday, FEBRUARY 25, 2025 - 2nd Budget work session/Special meeting

Tuesday, MARCH 11, 2025 - 3rd Budget work session/Regular meeting

Tuesday, APRIL 8, 2025 

****Wednesday, APRIL 23, 2025 - ESBOCES Administrative Budget Vote and Board Election (10:00 a.m.)

*Tuesday, MAY 6, 2025 - Budget Hearing/Regular meeting

**Tuesday, MAY 20, 2025- Budget Vote and Board Election

Tuesday, JUNE 10, 2025

*1st Tuesday of the month

** 3rd Tuesday of the month

***4th Tuesday of the month

****4th Wednesday of the month

PLEASE NOTERegular Monthly District Board of Education Meeting night to be the second Tuesday of each month unless otherwise posted and that all regular monthly meetings of the Board of Education will begin at 7:00 PM unless an Executive Session is needed, in which case meetings will begin at 6:30 PM.  Furthermore, all Board of Education meetings will be listed on the school website calendar.  All meeting notices will be posted in the Orient post office, East Marion post office, on the Poquatuck Hall community bulletin board in Orient and on the school website (oysterponds.org) for the school year 2024-2025.


Thomas Stevenson, President (term expires 6/30/2025)

Janice Caufield, Vice President (term expires 6/30/2026)

Jeffrey Demarest (term expires 6/30/2026)

Miriam Foster (term expires 6/30/2025)

Erin Johnson (term expires 6/30/2027)

Philip Mastrangelo (term expires 6/30/2027)

Erin Stanton (term expires 6/30/2025)




Please click here to view current Board of Education approved policies and plans

To view entire policy manual, please make and appointment to visit the District Clerk's office





FOIL Request Form


Linda O'Leary, District Clerk   

 631-323-2410 x101     loleary@oysterponds.org


STANDING COMMITTEES - to meet quarterly or on an as-needed basis (Notice of meetings will appear on school calendar)

Finance and Audit Committee
Meet with external auditor prior to commencing an audit of the District
Work with auditor to help Board understand the audit report and management letter
Review corrective action plan and assist the Board in implementation
Assist in annual budget process
Review monthly financial reports
Explore sources of revenue

Buildings/Grounds and Safety Committee
Develop a master plan for maintenance and care of building (short term and long term needs)
Perform detailed quarterly inspection of buildings, grounds and furnishings and determine any action needed and report to Board
Meet with architectural/engineering consultants when needed prior to the commencement of any project/capital improvement

Shared Decision Making Committee
Meet with stakeholders from the community to discuss and review district policies                                                                                                                                                                     Community feedback from committee to full board for consideration regarding policies and practices

Strategic Planning Committee                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Annual review of the District’s mission and goals
Consider how best to deal with upcoming changes (mandates) and transitions
Set concrete goals for the future of the District

Policy and Legislative Outreach Committee 
Review policy recommendations (quarterly) from NYSSBA
Keep existing policies current by conducting annual review of policy manual
Keep current with changes in education-related state legislation and report to the Board                                                                                                                                                                   Annual review of District/School Emergency Response Plan

Negotiating Committee                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Attend (OFA) Oysterponds Faculty Association negotiating sessions with Superintendent and School Attorney                                                                                                                      Participate as an active listener and report back to full board regarding progress and strategy

*Wellness Committee will be called as needed



NYS OPEN GOVERNMENT LAWS  -  https://opengovernment.ny.gov/freedom-information-law

NYS SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION (NYSSBA) - https://www.nyssba.org/




 The Oysterponds Board of Education will hold regular meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m (past practice was 7:30 p.m.)  All School Board meetings are open to the public except for Executive Sessions (when confidential matters are discussed) which may take place either prior to the regular meeting or at the conclusion of the meeting.   Please refer to the school calendar and specific meeting announcements for any changes. 


The Board of Education recognizes the importance of establishing core values as a guide in all that we do in accomplishing our mission. They are deep-rooted within us. They are not negotiable. They are the basic standards of conduct for dealing with each other. Our core values apply to each member of the Board and our Superintendent.

Integrity: Integrity is the foundation of our relationships; it encompasses openness, honesty, sincerity and respect. We respect and value the skills, creativity, knowledge and wisdom that each of us brings to our decision-making process.

Dignity: We believe that each of us can contribute to the quality of life in our school and in our community. We will always conduct ourselves in a courteous, respectful manner toward each other and toward our faculty, administrative staff, students, parents and the general public.

Accountability & Responsibility: We expect to be held accountable for our actions and we take responsibility for their results. We believe that the practice of these habits will increase the likelihood of success in all that we strive to achieve.

Excellence: Each of us is challenged to give and perform our personal best for the benefit of our school.